速報APP / 社交 / KSUM Startup Bootcamp

KSUM Startup Bootcamp





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本




KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖1)-速報App

Keeping up with your friends and community has never been easier. The KSUM Startup Bootcamp app is the best way to stay connected actively within the KSUM Startup Bootcamp.

KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖2)-速報App

Why you should install the KSUM Startup Bootcamp App right away:

KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖3)-速報App

Stay Connected with Your Friends Forever: With features that help you reach out to your friends easily and keep in touch, be it through posts, fun photos or direct IM's, staying connected with your friends forever is very easy.

KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖4)-速報App

Leverage the Power of Your Network: An awesome directory of all your friends, regularly updated with their latest info; finding the right connects to help with your personal or professional pursuits is just too simple.

KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖5)-速報App

Invite Your Friends: Invite your friends via social media or IM's to hang out and join the fun.

KSUM Startup Bootcamp(圖6)-速報App

Updates on the Go: No more distracting clutter or needless compartments; get all updates, relevant and personal to you, in a single feed.